Previous Teaching Fall 2015 ECE 462: Data and Computer Communications ECE 642: Design and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks Spring 2015 ECE 741: Wireless Networks ECE 643: Network Switching and Routing Fall 2014 ECE 462: Data and Computer Communications ECE 642: Design and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks Spring 2014 ECE 741: Wireless Networks Fall 2013 ECE 462: Data and Computer Communications ECE 642:Design and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks Spring 2013 ECE 542: Computer Network Architectures and Protocols ECE 741: Wireless Network Fall 2012 ECE 642: Design and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks ECE 643: Network Switching and Routing Previous EECE 741: Wireless Networks ECE 642: Design and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks ECE 643: Network Switching and Routing ECE 542: Computer Network Architecture and Protocols ECE 462:Computer and Data Communications ECE 463: Digital Communications IT 300: Modern Telecommunications