- S. Secci, K. Liu, G. K. Rao, and B.
Jabbari, “Resilient traffic engineering
in a Transit-Edge separated internet routing,” in ICC 2011 Communications QoS, Reliability and Modeling Symposium (ICC’11 CQRM), Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 2011. - K. Liu, B. Jabbari, and S. Secci, “Understanding transit-edge routing separation: Analysis and characterization,” in 2011 International Conference on the Network of the Future (NoF’11), Paris, France, Nov. 2011, pp. 102–107.
A Generalized Resilient Edge-to-Edge Traffic Engineering Framework
- Lemke-Howson Algorithm:
The Lemke-Howson algorithm is an effective method to find at least one Nash Equilibrium (NE) for a two-person bimatrix game.
The detailed explanation can be downloaded here
The matlab implementation can be downloaded here - Codes
The archive for the codes can be downloaded here.
Transit-Edge Internet Routing: Measurements and Characterization
- Routing table download
We took the routing tables available in
in ‘show ip bgp’ every 3 days starting by Jan 2009.
Once downloaded, the routing tables need to be cleaned using the provided script. - Routing table parsing and coding
The description can be downloaded here. - Codes
The archive for the codes can be downloaded here. - Longer version of research report
The longer version report can be downloaded here
Resilent Traffic Engineering in a Transit-Edge Hierarchical Internet Routing
- Routing table download
We took the routing tables available in
in ‘show ip bgp’ every 3 days starting by Jan 2009.
Once downloaded, the routing tables need to be cleaned using the provided script. - Routing table cleaner
The script will clean all the routing table files in the main directory with the name starting by "oix-" so that they can be processed to build the dataset.
The cleaned routing tables need then to be manually moved in the ./oix directory. - Dataset building
The program go.cpp analyzes all the routing tables contained in the directory ./oix/ that have the the 'show ip bgp' format.
The datasets that we used for the paper are contained in the directory /datasets. Please refer to the README file therein for more details - Dataset processing
We processed and plot the results processing the datasets and using MATLAB 9. The MATLAB code is contained in the directory ./ECGC/ - Codes download
code can be downloaded here.