Guest Book
Comments Appreciated
- Ph.D. Program(GPA 4.0), Information Technology, 08/96 - Present
- George Mason University
- Ph.D. Program(GPA 3.75), Electrical Engineering, 09/93 - 07/96
- Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, Beijing, China
- Bachelor of Science(GPA 3.7), Computer Science, 07/93
- Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, Beijing, China
- Operating System: Windows/95, Unix, OpenWin, DOS
- Languages: HTML, Java, Perl, C/C++, PLM, Pascal, Assembly, SQL
- Software: Visual C++, OPNET, MATLAB, GPSS/H, MPL, Visual Basic
- Graduate Research Assistant 08/96 - Present
- Telecom. Lab, Dept. of ECE, George Mason University
- Researching the teletraffic aspects of wireless communication systems,
including simulation and theoretical analysis.
- System Engineer(part time) 05/95 - 07/96
- Fore Systems - BUPT Technical Support Center
- Providing ATM networking solutions, Installing ATM LAN for clients.
- System Analyst and Developer 09/94 - 07/96
- Acted as one of the key members in designing an Integrated Stored Programmed
Control Switching System andDeveloped the software of the Interface Module
between the Central ATM Switching Unit and the Peripheral 64Kbps Voice
Switching Units.
- Graduate Research Assistant 09/94 - 07/96
- National Lab of Telecom.,
- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- Researched the internetworking between Broadband ISDN and N-ISDN, and
published some papers.
- Programmer 05/92 - 05/94
- Dept. of CS., Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- Developed the user module & central processor module software of
the SPC switching system.
- Others
- Academic Secretary of ISIB’95
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, BUPT
- Assisted in Designing a Distributed ATM Campus Network of BUPT
Sports, Traveling, Classical Music
- Motorola Scholarship, BUPT, 1990 1991 1992 1994
- Fellowship, George Mason University, 1996
Find a challenging job in the area of telecommunications networks
(ATM & Wireless Networking preferred)