Academic Integrity and Honor Code:
Honesty and integrity are at the core of Mason academic programs, research and community. George Mason University's honor code
states the following:
Honor Code Statement To promote a stronger sense of mutual responsibility, respect, trust, and fairness among
all members of the George Mason University Community and with the desire for greater academic and personal achievement, we, the student members of the
university community, have set forth this Honor Code: Student Members of the George Mason University community pledge not to cheat, plagiarize, steal, or lie
in matters related to academic work.
Avoid Reposting Course Material:
It is not allowed to reposting course material. The course materials (lecture notes, homework, projects, exams, solutions, and anything else
posted on the course website) are copyrighted. You may not upload them to any other website or share them with any on-line or off-line test
Communications and Technology:
Students should use their Mason email account to receive important university information, including messages related to this class
(see ).
Also, please write ECE542 on the subject line when you send me an email. Blackboard is used to complement the
course webpages hosted at Mason If you need to familiarize yourself with
Blackboard, please see All course materials posted to course
webpages, including Blackboard, are private to this class; by federal law, any materials that identify
specific students (via their name, voice, or image) must not be shared with anyone not enrolled in this
class. Similarly, any video recordings of class meetings that include audio, video, or textual information
from other students are private and must not be shared outside the class. Live video conference meetings
(e.g. Collaborate or Zoom) that include audio, textual, or visual information from other students must be
viewed privately to the extent possible, and should not be shared with others in your household or
recorded and shared outside the class.
University Policies:
The University Catalog,, is the central resource for university
policies affecting student, faculty, and staff conduct in university academic affairs. Other policies are
available at All members of the university community are responsible
for knowing and following established policies. Academic integrity is of great importance to the Mason
community. Mason provides accommodations through the Office of Disability Services.
Office of Disability Services:
Mason provides accommodations through the Office of Disability Services
(ODS) If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations,
please see me and contact ODS at 993-2474.
Student Support Resources on Campus:
are available through Stearn Learning Center: See
Inclusion and Non-Discrimination Policy:
Other Useful Campus Resources:
Writing center: See or 703-993-1200
University libraries: See
Counseling and Psychological Services:
For CAPS see or 703-993-2380.
Safe Return to Campus:
The COVID Safety Plan (PDF) has been updated as of July 15, 2022.