ECE 642 Design and Analysis of Computer Communications Networks
Prerequisites: ECE 542 and ECE 528
Prof. Bijan Jabbari
Wednesday: 16:30- 19:10
Fall 1996
Course Objective
Modeling of computer networks using basic concepts in queueing theory, analysis of state-dependent queues, imbedded Markov chains, and networks of queues; throughput-delay analysis of local and metropolitan area networks; other topics include concentr
ator design, multiplexing, asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), random access and polling schemes, capacity allocation, flow and congestion control, routing and ATM networks.
Tentative course outline
Background and review of basic concepts in computer networks, review of discrete random variables, point processes.
Introduction to queueing theory, M/M/1 queue, state probabilities, expected queue size and delay, Little's formula.
Markov chains and M/M/1 queueing systems, imbedded Markov chain: the M/G/1 queue.
The imbedded Markov chain analysis of time-division multiplexing.
Networks of queues, open queuieng systems, closed queueing systems, Independence assumption.
Congestion and flow control modeling of virtual circuits.
Performance analysis of polling and random access techniques.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), statistical multiplexing gain, congestion control and routing in ATM networks, analysis of leaky bucket rate control algorithm, delay bounds.
Analysis of retransmission strategies
Performance of local and metropolitan area networks incorporating routers
Queueing modeling of higher level protocols and
Textbooks and references:
Bertsekas, D. and Gallager, R., Data Networks, Prentice-Hall, 1992 (main text).
Schwartz, M., Telecommunication Networks: Protocols, Modeling and Analysis, Addison Wesley, 1987.
Hayes, J., Modeling and Analysis of Computer Communications Networks, Plenum, 1986.
Schwartz, M., Broadband Integarated Network,
Prentice-Hall, 1996.
de Prycker, M., Asynchronous Transfer Mode: Solutions for
Broadband ISDN, Ellis Harwood, 1996.
Class Hand-outs
There will be weekly homework, a mid-term and a final examination.