ECE 642: Design and Analysis of Computer Networks


Bijan Jabbari, Professor


ECE 528 or equivalent or permission of instructor.

Note to those who are taking the course:

This is a graduate-level (MS/PhD) course in performance modeling of contemporary communications networks. In addition to analytical models, students are taught how to develop simulation models for queueing systems as well as other stochastic processes using MATLAB. More specifically, the typical solutions for projects assigned in the class will be made available using MATLAB programming. In addition to weekly homework, there will be five to six weekly or bi-weekly projects to help students learn how to use MATLAB for simulation of single queue, network of queues and applications. These projects complement the analytical modeling technique and have considerable pedagogic value in helping students understand random processes, performance evaluation of a node or a network. Projects also represent real-life examples of network design. Note that while use of MATLAB is encouraged for carrying out the simulation projects, students may use other general-purpose programming languages such as C, C++, JAVA and Pyton.


Planetary Hall 126


Tuesdays 4:30-7:10 pm

ECE 642 Syllabus

ECE 642 Lecture Notes

ECE 642 Projects

  1. Project 1

    Project     Solutions

  2. Project 2

    Project     Solutions

  3. Project 3

    Project      Solution Part I     Solution Part II      Analysis of Part II

  4. Project 4

    Project     Solutions

  5. Project 5

    Project     Solutions

  6. Project 6

    Project     Solutions

ECE 642 Homework


AT&T cow

AT&T Deploys Flying Cell on Wings (COW) After Hurricane Michael.